Monday, 25 May 2015

Reasons Why You Must Always Floss


Flossing is one of the most effective means of maintaining oral hygiene. Unfortunately, it is usually the first thing people skip. However, brushing your teeth is much more successful when augmented with regular flossing. There are plenty of excuses for not flossing, but making it a priority can be beneficial in the long run.

1. Remove Plaque From Tight Spaces

Brushing your teeth is important, but those bristles can’t get into the tight spaces as effectively as flossing. After eating, you may not feel like you have food stuck in your teeth, but the point of flossing is to get rid of built up plaque.

2. Gums and Gingivitis

Your gums are made of soft tissue that covers the bone of your teeth. Hardened plaque turns into tartar, which can cause gingivitis. Initially, you will experience mild redness and swelling, but left unchecked, the issue can spread beneath the gum line and cause more serious problems.

3. No Excuses

Dentists have heard every excuse imaginable:

  • Hurts to floss
  • Teeth too crowded
  • Not enough time
  • No coordination

If it hurts to floss or you see a little blood, this is an indication that your gums are neglected and need regular flossing. New flossing options may help with coordination and crowding issues as well as on-the-go dental care.

If you want to minimize you dental bill and maximize your oral hygiene, floss once or twice a day. To learn more about a family dentist in Santa Cruz, please visit this website.

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